zephyr cycling studio

  • We’re not just people who love to sweat.

    We’re a group of dynamic, heartfelt, powerful individuals on a mission to make every class at Zephyr as unique as the first.

    Each one of us brings our own distinctive voice, personality and beat-based experience to the mix. And together? Let’s just say we make quite a powerful team.

    To give you a chance to get to know us on a deeper level, we’ve been asked a series of questions about what makes us move, what makes get on the podium every week, and what makes each of us so unique.

    Meet our instructors below!


    Meet Carolyn


    Billings, Montana

    What do you do outside of the studio? Life revolves around Zephyr!  But when I’m not there, I am walking/hiking/xc skiing with my dogs, spending time with my family in Big Sky, or getting my booty kicked off the bike at Pure Barre (Farmer’s Daughters, Dave’s and Jam! are also in heavy rotation, always).

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    Everyone always told me my whole life to “do what you love and the rest will follow,” which is great advice if you know what you love to do… That didn’t click for me until I started taking rhythm-based indoor cycling classes and then ultimately teaching them when taking them wasn’t an option. I have never felt more alive and more in tune with my heart than when I am teaching class.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    I am a devout believer in the transformative, healing, regenerative, magical power of movement, especially when combined with music. I was also an English major in college so words and lyrics are fundamental to me. My classes encourage people to move rhythmically and without inhibition in order to work through and ultimately appreciate, celebrate, and lead boldly our lives – incorporating first and foremost the most important rhythm in them, our heartbeats.

    Current music that makes you move?
    Florence + the Machine, always. Currently very much also loving her musical little sister, Maggie Rogers.

    Words to sweat by:
    Get out of your head so you can move from your heart.


    Meet Jake


    Grand Forks, North Dakota

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    I’m currently working towards my architecture license. I also love good ol’ Montana outdoor adventures.

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    I actually had never thought about it until Carolyn gave me an opportunity to try it. I actually didn’t think I could do it at first, but I leaned into something different and never looked back!

    What’s your teaching style like?
    My teaching style is something like a motivation filled, intention driven, dance party with a few laughs and plenty of sweat.

    Current music that makes you move?
    Right now I’m really digging Bad Vibes by K.Flay, Goldrush Mansionair Remix by Death Cab, and Make Me Feel EDX Dubai Skyline Remix by Janelle Monae…. and obvi Panic at the Disco and Taylor Swift always (black heart emoji)

    Words to sweat by:
    Lead with your heart and the strength will follow.


    Meet Allie


    Billings, Montana

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    I graduated with my Industrial Engineering degree in May and have worked in my field as a Process Engineer for West Paw since then. (So, I get to make dog toys for a living) Outside of the office, I am either skiing in Big Sky, fly fishing, or hiking with my dog Sage. I am super passionate about cooking and try to maintain an active lifestyle through Z, running, and road biking.

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    I have ALWAYS loved music, from piano competitions to everyday life – music is what fuels me. I was driving home from my first ever Zephyr class and I had the thought “how cool would it be if I could get a workout in AND share my love of music with people.” That was just the start. I continued to take classes over the next few weeks and realized how much deeper it went for me. I have always struggled to find a healthy balance with exercise and after those two weeks I had connected to my body more than I ever knew was possible. I left every class feeling so much better than when I walked in and feeling like I could take on ANYTHING. My confidence was growing and I started thanking my body for how strong it was instead of what it looked like. This is when I reached out to Carolyn, because I wanted to be a part of this journey for everyone who walked through those doors – there are so many places in life that tear you down and I wanted to be a part of a community that is dedicated to building people back up again.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    I create every playlist with all levels of riders in mind. In each class you will find sprints, power, resistance, and movement mostly in an interval format. I keep the structure approachable so riders can start with a certain level of confidence. Then, I use music and intervals to take them out of their comfort zones, even if it is just for 15 seconds. I am a true believer that it just takes one moment of confidence to show yourself what you are capable of. I see riders all of the time take a chance and find their edge during an interval, then I ask them to go further during the next. They are able to push their bodies for short periods of time to new heights and build confidence along the way, so when those longer pushes come – they know they can do it and absolutely CRUSH it.

    Current music that makes you move?
    This is a hard question for me since it changes almost every week. Currently, the new Black Keys, Florence + the Machine, Weezer, and Vampire Weekend are on my personal workout playlists. I am also a life long Odesza and M83 fanatic, so you can always find me jamming in my car to any of their songs.

    Words to sweat by?
    You are the only one holding yourself back from being the best version of yourself.


    Meet Jackie


    Spicer, Minnesota

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    I go on hikes (when it’s warm out, of course) with my dogs, visit breweries, adventure with my fiancé, brunch, listen to a lot of true crime podcasts (shout out to all my fellow murderinos!) and visit my family when I can!

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    I grew up running cross country and track which turned into running races once I graduated high school because I loved the feeling of seeing how hard I could push my body while having that mind/body connection that I felt like I could only get when I was running. I also was in dance from when I was 3 to 18 so I always loved mixing music with movement. My friends would always joke that one day I would be a DJ because I loved just rocking out and moving! I took my first cycling class while living in Minneapolis after high school and “Anything Could Happen” by Ellie Goulding came on and the instructor (I swear she looked right at me) said “anything could happen, but you can’t just sit here and expect it to happen to you, you have to make it happen” while ROCKING OUT and at that moment, I told myself I would one day become a cycling instructor. Years later, I was working in a Marketing Tech agency and realized that there had to be something more in life so my parents gifted me a trip to LA to get certified in cycling and at that same time I was introduced to Carolyn through our waxer (I LOVE YOU SPRUCE & HONEY) and from there, it just all fell into place. After I taught my first class as Zephyr, I knew I was meant to be a cycling instructor.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    Positively motivating. I am here to make you sweat and work your hardest but also have a fun time doing it.

    Current music that makes you move?
    I have really been digging AJR, ODESZA, and Kygo. Anything with a strong beat and an even stronger message just makes me want to get lost in it.

    Words to sweat by:
    Whatever your reason for moving, just move with every bit of you. The second you start to move with full intention and without hesitation is the second it all makes sense


    Meet Sarah


    Bozeman, Montana

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    I love to bake, rescue chihuahuas, compete and coach Spartan races, play instruments and enjoy time with my son

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    I realized I wanted to be an instructor Zephyr from the very beginning….I knew I wanted to make an impact on people through a channel Bozeman had yet to experience…and for an organization that is truly passionate about exercise and community.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    My teaching style…. Honestly, distraction with humor, real life purpose and vulnerability paired with variable training methods to keep the workouts well rounded.

    Music that makes you move?
    Dynamic beat drops, musical “blasts from the past” that everybody knows, and the touchy-feeling ones that tug on the heart strings.

    Words to sweat by:
    Time/Tension/Tenacity-3 T’s to test your RPE (rate of perceived exertion).


    Meet Cackie


    Indian Hill-Cincinnati, Ohio

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    Eat food & pet dogs (and currently packing to move across the country)

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    I was a teenager when I started teaching, 12 years ago — I knew I wanted to help people tap into their potential like I had been taught to.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    Passionate & assertive (but I’m also hilarious).

    Current music that makes you move?
    It’s been a morning full of Mumford & Sons, but ask me again in a few hours and I’ll have a totally different genre going.

    Words to sweat by:
    Limits are self-imposed, you set them so you can break through them


    Meet Carlynn


    Bozeman, Montana

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    I go running with my buppy (blue puppy), volunteering at Bridgercare, anything involving sweat or sunlight!

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    The first class I ever took. The combination of cardio and music set my soul on fire and I never wanted it to end.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    Encouraging! I want everyone to feel welcome and know that Zephyr is here for you. Whether it’s crushing power numbers, resistance intervals, or just crying in the dark; I have been there!

    Current music that makes you move?
    Anything 80s

    Words to sweat by:
    Don’t overthink, just move your feet.


    Meet Lauren


    Born in Hartford, Connecticut but grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina

    What do you do outside of the studio?
    Teach kiddos, currently finishing my Masters in Education & Learning, go on adventures with my pup + hubby, and cook!

    When did you realize you wanted to become an instructor?
    After my first class! I was absolutely hooked as the Zephyr crew made me feel like I was home. I had been traveling a lot and hadn’t really felt that in a while. It was a really special feeling.

    What’s your teaching style like?
    Inclusive – my class is for anyone and everyone looking to have some fun, challenge themselves, & be active!

    Current music that makes you move?
    Country and pop music! I love anything with a good beat.

    Words to sweat by:
    Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable!


    We hope you enjoyed getting to know our Zephyr family! Be sure to check out our class schedule and experience one of our unique rides today.