yoga retreat

  • Nicole Meline is an NYC-based yoga and cycle instructor with a spiritual twist. She leads transcendental workouts that connect the body to the mind, as well as wellness retreats around the world. Nicole’s been a long-time friend of Zephyr, and we are so excited to be a part of her Nomadic Belonging Retreat coming to Bozeman, Montana, this May!

    Everyone, meet Nicole.

    Who is Nicole Meline?

    I believe in spirited movement and revelatory stillness. That our world deserves our strength. That we are made to move in ways that astonish us, lifelong. That physical movement can be a spiritually seismic event. That breath and sweat are doorways to the heart—noise cancelling headphones for the symphony of our original, singular DNA. That ultimately, the metric that matters is joy.

    I grew up in California and have been based in New York City for the last 9 years. I think a lot about the interplay of future-focused ambition and grateful curiosity about the here and now. I am energized by New York City’s obsession with ambition, but inspired to create practices of gratitude and attention that ignite joy here and now, in the midst and muck of the present.

    I believe in plunging deep into the rivers and risking long hauls down all the roads that call us, letting them lead and interweave in their own time. For me, that’s meant many years in graduate school in the humanities, and an embodied education in fitness and wellness practices including yoga, pilates, and barre teacher training, Ironman races, fitness industry consulting, and three years as a Master Instructor at Peloton.

    My center of gravity is a full-bodied pursuit of joy. I love to catalyze clients and communities to craft lives and enterprises that embody joyful creativity.

    Currently, I create transcendent online workouts at, mentor leaders and instructors, and lead soulful adventure retreats around the world, including Nomadic Belonging: Montana, our Spring Breakthrough gathering at Zephyr and Foster Creek Farm this May 10-13th! I’ve created a full or one-day retreat option for the Zephyr family, and would love for you to join the party.

    How did you get started in the health and fitness industry?

    I needed a job in grad school that would let me work funky hours. It was either bar tending or fitness. I went with the more sustainable party 😉

    What do you mean by “transcendental workouts”?

    You know that feeling when you’re in sync with the beat, eyes closed, and you start to remember your power? You surprise yourself with your endurance or speed or grace? And suddenly you see yourself, and your life, in a new light? From a new height? Like your circumstances and choices have to live up to this feeling? And maybe those are tears, or maybe dreams, or your heart interrupting , erupting? For starters…

    Your teaching style is different from the norm. Could you describe your unique style and how that came about?

    Soulful athleticism. Spirited movement. Revelatory stillness. Equal attention to the mechanics of the body and the expanse of the soul. In all of my studies—academic, artistic, or athletic—I’m always just hoping for one thing: to be moved. I have studied under risk-taking, category-upturning teachers across many modalities and absorbed tools but more importantly a spirit of how to create community, possibility, and vision in the space of a class.

    You also host rad wellness retreats all around the world. What got you started in this exciting endeavor?

    I couldn’t help myself. Nomadic Belonging is the overflow of joy I’ve felt in extraordinary places around the world I felt I had to share with others in a way that sparks transformation. I couldn’t be more excited it bring this experience to Montana. And there’s still a few spots open in our upcoming South of France adventure this August. You’re invited!

    You’re set to host one in Bozeman, Montana, this May. Could you tell us a little bit about it and what we can expect?

    Blank slate mornings of ALTER yoga journeys, followed by indoor cycling at Zephyr, afternoon workshops to spark your creativity, farm-to-table feasts, igniting workshops, edgy conversations, deep-end friendships, winding trails, daydreaming, sunset yoga, and nights around the campfire under the stars at Foster Creek Farm.

    How can we sign-up?

    The Zephyr family can sign up for the full retreat (everything but accommodation) here.
    And a one-day retreat option for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday here.

    Words to sweat by:

    Embody yourself fully.

    Connect with Nicole!

    P.S. Be on the lookout for Nicole’s teaching schedule at Zephyr during the first week of May!